Spanish Homes Online

Tax & Legal 

We recommend

Span­ish Solu­tions is an award-win­ning Legal, Tax and Ser­vices firm based in La Zenia on the Costa Blanca. Es­tab­lished in 2005 and have provided in­teg­ral solu­tions and legal ad­vice to cli­ents ever since. 

They offer:


Eng­lish speak­ing so­li­cit­ors provide legal ad­vice on a vari­ety of is­sues or wor­ries that you may have.  They are on the Brit­ish Con­su­late list of re­com­men­ded law­yers and deal with a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent mat­ters in­clud­ing on a No Win No Fee basis at times. They as­sist with trans­la­tions, not­ary vis­its, all legal work in­volved with buy­ing and selling houses, Powers of At­tor­ney and writ­ing Span­ish Wills.  They can also help with those tricky ad­min­is­trat­ive tasks such as ob­tain­ing NIEs, Res­den­cias/TIES, SIP cards, ex­chan­ging car li­cences, trans­fer of car own­er­ship and re-re­gis­tra­tion to Span­ish plates.


There Ac­count­ing de­part­ment can help res­id­ents and non-res­id­ents. For busi­nesses and the self-em­ployed, they of­fer as­sist­ance with the start-up and ac­count­ing of Span­ish busi­nesses, taxes and so­cial se­cur­ity and also give gen­eral ad­vice

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