Spanish Homes Online
Phone: (0034) 727 787 419

Do you want to sell your property?

When you decide to sell your property you need it to be done with professionalism and integrity. You need to know that it will be marketed by as many means as possible, not just stuck in an estate agents window hoping for the best. At Spanish Homes Online we will give you an honest valuation on your property, give you a breakdown of your selling expenses i.e. taxes, plus villia, lawye's fees etc, so that you know exactly where you are with no hidden surprises, we also provide a factura/invoice to you upon completion for your tax deductable advantage.

Your property will be marketed on all major property portals such as Right Move, Keyero, Think Spain 1.Russia etc; we are promoting your property in England, Wales and Scotland through established estate agents. We have direct agents in Finland, Budapest, Russia and now Holland, regular exhibitions in Norway and Sweden are done by some of our collaborating agents here in Spain, you're getting the picture WE SELL PROPERTY and we need more for waiting clients.

We do not ask for exclusivity, we have no upfront fees, we will not give you the normal (its all doom and gloom and need to be cheep line) if you feel you are reasonably priced we would like your property on our books.

Phone: (0034) 727 787 419

C. Pablo Picasso, 2, 
San Miguel de Salinas
03193 Alicante