Spanish Homes Online

RAICV - Real Estate Agent of Valencia and an API Member 


Spanish Homes Online is a fully licensed and legal Real Estate Agent – In 2023 a new compulsory regulation came into force obliging real estate agents to be registered in the Comunidad Valenciana - Registre d'Agents d'Intermediació Immobiliaria de la Comunitat Valenciana - RAICV

All agents operating in the Comunidad Valencian are legally obliged to comply with the legal obligations and should of registered before August 2023. We are proud to say we are fully Registered and Legal - RAICV 3688


Spanish Homes Online, is also a member of the API – Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria, this is an association in Spain for real estate agents.

Although not a legal requirment to be a member of API. Spanish Homes Online is always looking to better its service and stay up to date on our practices and procedures. API helps us do that. They provide training, experience and an extensive ethical frame work for us to work too.